Tips on Maximizing the Use HTTPS Feature Blogspot

Updated on June 22, 2016
 In October 2015 google through one of his official website, announced that for the moment blog with a sub domain ( now can use https services, this service can be activated easily through the menu settings on your blogspot account page. to enable these features then your blog will be accessible using the url and also

This feature is only valid and can be enabled for blogs which incidentally are still using blogspot subdoman, but unfortunately this feature will not be activated again if your blog is already dicustomisasi happen to be a top level domain (TLD) or changed by using a personal domain (.net, .com, .net, .org, etc.)

For most bloggers are very concerned about the security of blogs and SEO, a feature https is certainly a good news they can use to make the blog is getting better, although the address https for now still not redirected automatically, meaning blogs still using the http protocol when accessed sourced from search engines. but it seems a matter of time. I'm sure eventually blogspot will use the default https automatically.

Know What is HTTPS and HTTP what it is?

Before we discuss more about the important things that you should consider if you enable https, I will discuss a little what a difference https and http? HTTP (Hyper Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hyper Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol that provides commands in the communication between the network , the communication between the network client computer with a web server. However, when compared to HTTP, HTTPS has the advantages of functions, especially in terms of security (secure)means that if you use https to your blog then your blog will be more secure when compared to http for any occurrence of communication Data from the client and the server then the data will encrypt it first using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) so that it can avoid tapping that might occur. features https is generally often used at sites e-commerce, bangking and also other sites that involve a lot of data transactions confidential,

What are the benefits of using HTTPS Sih On Blogs?

It has been mentioned earlier that the facility https this will be very beneficial to the bloggers are very concerned about SEO and the security blog, some of the benefits that can be achieved when using the service https to your blog is as follows: # 1 - Increase the confidence of users Blog with https will increase the confidence of users, they are more confident that the blog is accessed is a site that truly trustworthy and not being diarahken kesitus that berhahaya. # 2 - blog with HTTPS more secure url address to HTTPS is able to provide more security when compared to using http, through https data sent from client to server and the data sent from the server to the client is going through the encryption process in advance through Socket Layer encrypted SSL (Secure) or Transport Layer Security (TLS), so that when there is a transaction between the client and the server the data will be safe. Here are some of the security described google about the importance of using https: a. use https will provide security to the visitors of your blog from theft activities and information your visitors so that any data they engage when transacting online will be difficult to trace. b. Helps Detect if an attacker is trying to change the data sent by the blogger to visitors c. Adding security measures that make it more difficult for others to listen to the conversations of your visitors, track activity, or steal their information. The use of protocol https very important for sites that many transactions client server with the handover of data that are private as transactions that commonly occur at sites of e-commerce, banking websites are always involved in transactions with the data of a sensitive nature, to minimize tapping one could use the site must use a protocol https. # 3 - Blog with HTTPS it would be more SEO Friendly Do use https to your blog url will have the effect of seo ?, for this problem google never gives a statement that feature https to now be a part of one of the 200+ google ranking factors that would at least give the effect of increasing seo blog, Google said that the use https in the url of your blog will be able to provide a positive impact to your blog or website can especially affect google ranking factors of your blog, at least 1% would have an influence on the ranking of your blog in search results even likely the google allegedly will improve the ranking signal for use https, with the aim to encourage every owner of a site or blog in order to switch from http to https. # How to enable the https on your blogspot to enable https on your blogspot, it is actually very easy, steps are as follows:
 a.Login to your blogspot account 
b. On the left side of the menu bar select the Settings menu or sub-menu settings and then select the base as shown below:

c. then the label using https: vote yes, as shown in the image above. By following the above steps means you have successfully enabled https feature to your blog. 

#Cara Maximizing the use of HTTPS on your blog 

To enable https on berflatform blogspot blog for today is served with a very easy, just a click away then your blog supports the feature, but if you choose to enable https on your blogspot, you must also ensure that all matters related to resource your blog template must opt in https, based on information provided google via the link included in the notification of your blog template editor, resources must also use https protocol is as follows: 

a. Source Javascript and CSS Should Be Using https If by chance your blog using javascript external source, make sure that javascript is coming from sites with https, you can check on your site template, and then try to do a search using the keywords http: //, if you find javascript is still using http, you try to change to https, check whether it can be accessed, if it can be accessed please replace http: // to https: // 

b. Source URL Image and Video Should Be Using HTTPS If you happen to involve images and video is also having to come from trustworthy sites that use the https protocol. It looks like this will be our homework ahead as I am sure you include my earlier use a lot of images or vidio especially in articles posts without regard HTTP or https, if the blog you want to be better but you should change to https if indeed the source site pictures and also video does support https.

 # What would happen if left?

 google himself explains in the official page on the issue https this, that if you enable the https on your blog and then on your blog, there are still content resources used by your blog is still using HTTP, then most likely could potentially occur error when your blog or website accessed through HTTPS, and the impact will reduce the security and the user experience, therefore we recommend you check your content and change resources from http to http, you must ensure that resources are used also has a secure channel https. 

Features HTTPS Currently not redirected automatically what should I do? 

Although google already provides the facility to activate https on blogspot, but it seems the url https can not automatically run when your blog visitors to find your blog dihasil google search, it remains they will be directed to the address your blog is using HTTP. who knows how long this will continue, most likely only a matter of time seems like because I'm sure it will eventually will be using the default https. If you want to use https, you could do a redirect directly to https, so that when your visitors access your site it will be directed to https. the way you can use a special script, with the steps as follows:

a. Login to your blogspot account, 
b. on the left side of the menu bar select the menu template, and then click the edit button HTML, to get into your template html editor 
c. Please find the <head> and simply select the code below and then put under the <head> section of your template: 

#Kode 1: 

Blogspot Indonesia currently has the domain to the country will always be directed to, if you want redirect be and also want to use https, you can plug the appropriate code below under the code <head>:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var blog = document.location.hostname;
var ext = blog.substr(blog.lastIndexOf("."));
if (ext == ".id") {
var protocol=window.location.protocol.replace(/\:/g,'');
var path = document.location.pathname;
var ncr = protocol+"://"+ blog.substr(0, blog.indexOf("."));
ncr += "" + path;
by using the above code domain blogspot then you will be redirected to, and can be accessed using https and http 

# kode2: 

If you just want to redirect the protocol only, from http be always https, you can use the code below and place just below code <head>:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var protocol=window.location.protocol.replace(/\:/g,'');
var url=window.location.href.replace('http','https');
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